Who are our Courses for

“Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel (Plutarch)

“The biggest breakthroughs of the 21st century will not occur because of technology but because of an expanding concept of what it means to be human” said John Naisbit. Our purpose is to contribute to this expanding concept of what it means to be human by designing and providing education courses equally balancing rational with intuitive mind, virtually and in-person.

Athena Courses are Based on Three Streams.

Knowledge becomes Wisdom when personal Experience and regular Practice meet.

  • Ancient wisdom

    Ancient wisdom is an inherent part of your heritage as a human being. Elders from older traditions from around the world have accumulated so much experience, knowledge and wisdom on how to expand our consciousness, improve our well-being, find our purpose and live, work and lead in accordance with it. Reconnecting with ancient wisdom will help you build self-confidence, trust and resilience.

  • Science

    There is more and more scientific evidence on the topics of mindfulness and its effect on the brain and body, the power of thought or "placebo" effect and how it affects biological processes, the power of a positive environment on the transcription of genes or the amazing neuroplasticity of our brain. Science is beginning to confirm what ancient wisdom has known for centuries. But there is so much more to learn.

  • Business

    We use agile and holistic models like the leadership and change management framework developed at MIT - Theory U, a living systems approach to building successful organizations - the Dragon Dreaming Project Design method, and elements from the trendy Design Thinking technique. Our business frameworks will prepare you to lead within the current intensity and increasing complexity of today’s economic world.

Testimonials - Fearless, Free, Feminine. Find and Live your Truth as a Woman.

Alexandra Simone

Insurance Sector

“Thanks to the program I got in touch with deeply rooted patterns of my behavior, especially avoidance patterns. It is amazing that through the teachings we experienced, I found the key to the room where all those patterns are hiding and at the same time access to the toolbox to get rid of all these patterns. It felt like an intense spring cleaning."


Banking Sector

“The program empowered me to have trust in myself, to be aware of my thoughts and to be the creator of my own future, without the influence of my environment.”


Police Sector

I can highly recommend this program to anybody who definitely wants to make a major change - a change in your business life or a change in your private life. In this program, you will gain as I did, more perspective and additional tools in order to really master the challenges we all have.


IT Sector

When you discover who you truly are and what you truly want and how you can achieve it – it is like nothing changes and everything at the same time. So difficult to describe and to grasp, so simple to experience. I became limitless, unbreakable, fearless. It is like I have always been that person, but never noticed, never knew. Now, I do not search for purpose. I embody purpose. I am.

Develop your intuition and creativity. These assets are beyond Artificial Intelligence's reach.

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Expand your skills and live a purpose-driven life.

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